No matter what society may have led you to believe, you are already enough and pleasure is your birthright. You don’t need to look a certain way to be worthy of all you desire, and your desires are not selfish or dangerous - they are an inner guide leading you to exactly where you are meant to be.

What does Embodied even mean?
To be “embodied” is to create a mind/body connection so that you can experience life from the body - which means being able to feel the full range of emotions & senses in the present moment.
Unfortunately we live in a world that is very much dis-embodied. The mind has become master and we have been taught to disconnect from our emotions and avoid pain, to numb and distract. And as women, our bodies and all they entail (blood, boobs, sexual desires, emotions) have been judged and shamed for centuries, disconnecting us even further.
Add to this the level of unprocessed trauma (big, little, individual, collective, ancestral), and we’ve got many disconnected and disempowered women on the planet, all trying their best to survive but really not thriving and living full-power.
The more you know, love and feel safe in your body, the more you will be able to experience all of life in a completely new way. You will strengthen the ability to be fully present in the moment, to feel the full spectrum of emotions and sensations, completely transforming the way you relate to yourself and others.
You will be able to follow your body’s wisdom to guide you to what you truly desire.
- Tamara Klemich
The secret power of pleasure.
Our sexuality is a gateway to our pleasure - and - pleasure is about so much more than sex.
It is about everyday moments - taking in a breathtaking view of the hills or ocean, listening to a beautiful piece of classical music, savouring the taste of that delicious macaroon, feeling your lover’s breath on your neck. And it is about the bigger decisions in life - your guide to HOW you truly want to live your life, and what you want to create in this world.
Pleasure was gifted to you from birth to show you what you want to experience in life, and what you feel called to as your purpose and passion.
This is not about frivolous pleasure, bypassing difficult emotions, ignoring our responsibilities or practising only “love and light”. It’s about feeling safe to be wholly, fully yourself and choosing - every day - to make decisions in service of your pleasure.
Because you know that by following your pleasure, you can create a truly exceptional life - for yourself, and for the people (and planet) you love.
Imagine being fully present throughout your day, being able to notice all of the beauty from the world around you, knowing how to feel and process difficult emotions and being able to hear your true needs, desires & fears. Imagine experiencing pleasure like never before and being able to use this as a guide to create a life that brings you ease, joy and fulfilment?
This is all possible, and totally accessible to you - through your relationship to your body.
I am here to guide you home
I'm Tamara Klemich
I’m a Somatic & Sexuality Educator, Co-Steward of The Jade Temple (a women’s community devoted to sexual healing & p@ssy empowerment) and a musician. I know deep in my womb that women coming into their power is the thing that will change the world, and that power is not in what we have but is in how we FEEL (and I don’t mean bypassing our challenging emotions, but choosing moment by moment what feels good in our body).
And that is why, since leaving my corporate career in advertising, I have dedicated my life to guiding women home to their bodies, to access the wisdom & pleasure in their bodies so that they can follow what feels good & create the most true and authentic lives that they can.
My passion for this work really ignited when I was working for a big advertising agency and I led a team that transformed the advertising of a menstrual and feminine hygiene brand from creating stereotypical and shame-inducing advertising to creating a powerful movement to support women and show them that neither their body nor any of their natural bodily experiences were disgusting, taboo or one-size fits all. We transformed a category from shame to empowerment and my inner activist was born.
But this corporate environment was slowly destroying my body & my soul and after 15 years living and working in a constant state of stress with zero boundaries, my body was finally SCREAMING at me that I needed to stop. I experienced a major burnout, even having panic attacks as I came within one block of the office.
Meet Tamara

I quit the job, bought a one-way ticket to Delhi on a quest to find a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life and I have not looked back since.
Through deep study & devotion to Yoga, Tantra, Meditation, Sacred Sexuality & Sexology, Somatics & Trauma I have completely changed the way I feel in my body, in myself, in my life - and the external reflection of that is continuing to blow my mind every day.
To create a movement of rebel women who know, love and feel safe in their bodies so they can step fully into their pleasure and their power (... and change the f*cking world!)
Fast-forward to today and I am living my dream life on Koh Phangan in Thailand (note that “dream life” still comes with ups and downs, uncertainties and moments of “what the f*ck am I doing?” as well as heartbreak from the recent ending of my "dream marriage").
I am Co-Steward of The Jade Temple, a women's community on Koh Phangan & an online movement for women to reclaim the power of our sacred p@ssies. I facilitate workshops & retreats focused on feminine embodiment & women's sxuality, I offer powerful 1:1 mentorship for women who want to transform their relationship to their bodies, to themselves and to their pleasure to create full-body f@ck yes lives.
That’s where my pleasure has led me.
Where will yours lead you?
work with me
Work with me 1:1
I am here to offer you some of the most powerful tools around for clarity, nervous system regulation & creating what you want in this life. Let’s go on a journey together to your next level of pleasure, joy and abundance.
The Jade Temple Online
Join an online community of women coming together to connect to the power of their sacred p@ssies. This is THE sisterhood for feminine embodiment, sexual healing and pleasure liberation.
In-person workshops
& events
Come to my in-person workshops & retreats at The Jade Temple on Koh Phangan & other locations around the world
75-minute PowerUp Session
This is a one-off session where we will drop-in on a specific issue or question and I will guide you to the body so that you will leave with clarity and direction.
We can really transform a lot in one session so come prepared to go deep (this also includes 1 week of whatsapp support for integration :-).
Join an online community of women coming together to connect to the power of their sacred p@ssies. This is the best sisterhood around for feminine embodiment, sexual healing and pleasure liberation.

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Embodied Pleasure Love Letters?
I’m seriously stuck in the past - I love Queen, Elton, Classical music and singing mantras and spiritual songs.
Getting deported from India when I thought my visa had an extra entry and convinced the airline staff that I was right… only to be locked up under armed guard for a day, having to reroute my journey for a 4 day visit to Dubai and getting escorted to the plane by security!
Convincing corporate clients to create an ad with singing vulvas to sell their new products (check it out - Viva La Vulva)
61 countries and counting (most of them solo!)
It’s not so much of a habit but I have a major aversion to people brushing their teeth in front of me… I can’t stand it.
My intuition - it is no coincidence that are bodies are connected with the moon, with the stars, with the waters. Female intuition is a super power that just keeps getting stronger 🙂
- Tamara Klemich
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