Thrive Coaching

Do you want to feel more loving and connected to yourself and your body than ever before? Do you want to be so deeply attuned to your female body that you can clearly hear your desires and your boundaries? Do you want transform your relationship to your body, your p@ssy, your sexuality? Do you wish to build the nervous system capacity to be able to enjoy more pleasure and to hold yourself through fear so you can take bold steps & create a life that is so authentically yours it lights you up (most days)?

My love, I am here to offer you some of the most powerful tools around for clarity, nervous system regulation & creating what you want in this life so that you can get there faster and with more ease & pleasure. The tools I use are from the latest knowledge in somatics, trauma, breathwork and sexology as well as from the ancient traditions of Tantra, Tao & Yoga.

Knowing you have a desire to make an upgrade in a particular area in your life, we will go on a journey together with clear intention and accountability, but even more importantly, we will journey in a way that FEELS amazing. Because as I like to say, if it doesn’t feel good, what’s the point? (OK, there might be some discomfort along the way, but we can even find the pleasure in that if we choose to 😉 )

I love to work with powerful, creative women who are ready for the next level of clarity, pleasure & authenticity in their lives in 3 key areas:


Sexual healing & awakening

Are you finally ready to go on your sexual healing & awakening journey? Do you want to feel safer in your body? Are you ready to feel more pleasure? To finally experience deeply satisfying orgasms alone or with your partner/s? To heal numbness and awaken the sensations in your body, your p@ssy, your nipples? Are you ready to use self-pleasure as a gateway to your deepest self-love yet? To be more confident in your sexuality? To deeply know that your body and your sexuality are sacred? To be knowledgeable about your own anatomy, your pleasure, your orgasms? To be able to clearly feel and communicate your yes and your no? To feel more confident and sexy without changing a thing on the outside?

This 3-month journey is for the woman who is finally ready to reclaim her sexuality as her own, to feel more confident and experience more pleasure & aliveness in her body.


Life transitions to create a more authentic and pleasure-filled life

Is now the time you’re ready to make some big changes? Ready to quit the corporate job and start your own business? Are you ready to admit it’s time for your relationship to end? Or finally ready to call in a new one? Want to travel? Move countries? Know you want change but don't even know what you want?

This 3-month journey is for the woman who desires more in this life and is ready to create the safety in her nervous system so she can take the leap & live a life that is soooo authentically hers that she is grateful from the moment she wakes to the moment her head hits the pillow (even through the challenges life will inevitably throw at her).


Embodied business & leadership, for the woman who wants to create more and feel good doing it

Are you ready to start your own business? Or you’re already in business but it’s leading to frustration and burnout? Are you wanting to lead from a more embodied place, making decisions from your womb and getting clear guidance from your body on where to go next? Do you want to feel regulated in your nervous system when presenting, making sales calls or having tough conversations? Do you want to call in more abundance through the art of holding more pleasure in the body? Do you want to feel more confident in expressing yourself fully, without holding back? Do you want to bring more feminine energetics into the way you create in your business?

This 3-month journey is for the woman who wants to feel more connected to her body when it comes to leadership and business, so she can create more (& make more money) whilst feeling AMAZING.

The deets

No matter which area you desire to transform I offer a minimum 3-month journey as I believe it takes time to first create safety within your body, before you can really tune into her wisdom and open her up to pleasure 🔥

In each journey you will receive:


  • A weekly 60-minute somatic-based session on zoom (12 in total)
  • Follow-up practices & resources depending on the session (and how much time you will be able to dedicate to this)
  • A personalised vision and plan we create together to hold us accountable to your goals
  • Text & voice note support between sessions to share insights, challenges and wins
  • Complimentary membership to The Jade Temple online membership whilst you are in this program 
  • Recorded practices that will support you on your journey and beyond
  • You will leave with tools to implement into your daily life well beyond the time of the program, which can help you live a more pleasurable, authentic and abundant life that feels oh so good (most of the time 😉)…. forever 🙂 
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These tools could include:

  • Nervous system regulation and somatic tools 
  • Feminine embodiment tools from Tantra, Tao & Yoga
  • Self-pleasure practices
  • Energy, meditation & mindfulness practices
  • Intention & goal setting 
  • Visualisation & manifestation techniques
  • Breathwork practices
  • Business & leadership strategy
  • Organisational/process hacks


  1. Create safety - using tools that bring you out of stress & survival mode and create a sense of softness, ease & safety within your body & nervous system
  2. Reconnect to your body wisdom, intuition & erotic intelligence - through somatics, feminine embodiment and/or pleasure practices we will bring back your innate connection to your body so you can hear & feel her subtle & not-so-subtle messages & wisdom
  3. Admit your desires - somatic practices & coaching to help uncover your true desires in life, and find the courage to admit them
  4. Embracing fear & uncomfortable emotions - changing your relationship to fear & other more challenging emotions through mindset, nervous system & embodiment practices so that you can get comfortable in the discomfort and go after what you truly desire
  5. Action & celebration - through coaching & WhatsApp access between sessions I will support you to take aligned action or commit to your specific practices and celebrate you every step of the way.

I am not just offering sessions but am here to walk this chapter alongside you.

Are you ready, love? I am so excited to support you if you are.

You can book a free intro call here so we can decide if we’re a match to work together.


Who am I?

Hey there, I’m Tamara Klemich

I’m a Somatic & Sexuality Educator, Co-Steward of The Jade Temple (a women’s community devoted to sexual healing & p@ssy empowerment) and a musician. I know deep in my womb that women coming into their power is the thing that will change the world, and that power is not in what we have but is in how we FEEL (and I don’t mean bypassing our challenging emotions, but choosing moment by moment what feels good in our body).

And that is why I have now dedicated my life to guiding women home to their bodies, to access the wisdom & pleasure in their bodies so that they can follow what feels good & create the most true and authentic lives that they can. 

Back in 2017 I was riding the waves of success in my corporate career, running some of the biggest ad accounts in the UK, winning all of the most prestigious creative awards in the industry and thinking I was always just one step away from finally feeling like I’d made it, but in truth I was chasing validation from something outside of myself and causing a lot of self-harm along the way (with immeasurable stress, crossing my boundaries all over the place, numbing with alcohol & cigarettes and constant yoyo dieting).

Thankfully I experienced a major burnout and decided to leave it all - I quit my 15 year career in advertising, gave away my furniture and bought a one-way ticket to India to seek a healthier, happier and more authentically fulfilling life.

And I found it 💃

Through deep study & devotion to Yoga, Tantra, Meditation, Sacred Sexuality & Sexology, Somatics & Trauma I have completely changed the way I feel in my body, in myself, in my life - and the external reflection of that is continuing to blow my mind every day.

I now live on a beautiful tropical island in Thailand, running The Jade Temple with my best friend & other inspiring sisters, coaching incredible women from all around the world, my body is healthy, I have beautiful community around me and I create plenty of time to do things that make me feel amazing like spending time in nature and playing music.

That is where my pleasure has led me. Where will yours lead you?

If your body is giving you the nudge, just book the call and let’s chat. I will not use any dodgy sales tactics or pressure and I will be guiding you to your body to tune into whether it is right for you. At the least, I have no doubt it will be a beautiful conversation you can take with you into your day 🥰

Sending you so much love,

Relevant Training & Education

  • Science of Pleasure - with Dr Isabela Bottura - 2024 (in progress)
  • Somatic Educator for Women - with Somatic Institute for Women 2022, 2023
  • Menstrual Cycle Awareness - Jaime Lauren, Cyclical Living, 2022
  • Trauma-awareness Training - UNION - Relational Healing and Trauma Recovery Institute, 2021
  • Tantra Teacher Training, 200hr - AUM Tantra Yoga School, 2021
  • Feminine Power, Professional Track - Dr Claire Zammit, PHD, 2020
  • Advanced Tantra Yoga for Women, 100 hour - Lorraine Taylor, 2019
  • Yoga Teacher Training, 200 Hour - Jacqueline Purnell, YogaShala Ibiza, 2018
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